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France Study Visa

France study visa

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Are you a student excited about pursuing higher education in France? One of the key questions you might have would be about the visa application process. The visa process for every country is different and has its standards. The French government introduced an effective support policy to attract international students to study in France. Low tuition fees and the raking of French Universities are a source of attraction for international students. The visa policy of France is also flexible when it comes to students applying to study in France. When applying to study in France, it is important to note which Visa is most suitable for you.

Types of French Student Visas

After receiving acceptance from any French university, you must decide which visa type you will apply for.

Schengen Short-stay Student Visa

The Schengen Short-stay student visa is for students with a study duration less than three months. It is widely used for short-term study programs or language courses.

Temporary Long-Stay Visa

The temporary long-stay Visa targets students enrolled in comparatively longer courses. The typical duration of these courses is 3-6 months. The temporary long-stay Visa is non-renewable and valid for 4-6 months.  

Long-Stay Visa for Students

This visa category is reserved for students coming to France for their studies. The program is usually longer than one year. Students applying for master’s programs that are longer than one year will need to renew their visas.  The students must apply for a multi-annual resident permit to extend their stay in France after their first year.

If you have obtained a long-stay work visa in France, you can work up to 20 hours per week. Working while studying will help you become more independent and responsible and manage your finances. A long-stay visa also allows you to travel to other European countries without getting into the hassle of a visa.

After completing your degree, you can apply for a one-time non-renewable temporary residence authorization (APS). This Visa will remain valid for up to 24 months.

Visa application process

After you have decided which visa type suits you the best, you will have two pathways to follow. You can visit the French consulate in your home country or apply through Campus France. Campus France is a French institute that has local offices in almost every country. In some countries, you have to register with Campus France before applying for a student visa. A visa appointment must be scheduled with the embassy first. You can book an appointment at the French Consulate in your area through the official website.

Try to schedule the appointment at least 90 days before departure to France. You can submit the visa application fee online. It ranges between 50-100 EUR; for Pakistani students, it is 90 EUR. Don’t forget to bring your documents with you on the interview day. As part of the application process, they will also ask you for biometric verification. Biometrics is just extra information registered by the host country for security purposes.

Documents Required for French Visa

The documents needed to be attached to the French visa application include the following

  • A completed visa application
  • A passport-sized photograph
  • A valid passport (at least 12 months before expiry)
  • Acceptance letter from your university
  • Proof of adequate funds for your stay in France
  • Proof of temporary accommodation
  • Proof of medical insurance
  • Paid visa application fee

Language Requirements for French Visa

If you have applied to any French-taught degree, you will need to attach proof of French language proficiency. To enroll in English-taught programs, you must take English language proficiency tests like IELTS, TOEFL, and Duolingo.  You might not need an extra language test if you have an acceptance letter from a French university. 

Financial requirements for French Visa

Applicants who do not hold a passport from an EU member country will need to exhibit proof of their income or savings. The candidate must show that they have a monthly/ annual income greater than the French minimum income. If you do not have a regular income, you must show proof of your savings. You must prove that you have enough savings to fund yourself throughout your stay in France.


Obtaining a study visa for France is a structured yet flexible process accommodating international students. With options ranging from short-stay Schengen visas to long-stay student visas, France provides various pathways to suit different study durations and needs. You must ensure that you have the necessary documents, language proficiency, and proof of financial stability. Whether applying through a French consulate or Campus France, thorough preparation and understanding of the requirements will facilitate a smooth visa application process. France’s welcoming visa policies and its esteemed educational institutions make it an attractive destination for pursuing higher education.

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